Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Rove Shakedown

Well, it turns out that the Bush administration doesn't feel it has tight enough control of Republican legislators in this country. They have now decided to employ strong-arm tactics to make sure that everyone on their side of the aisle stays in line.

"Insight on the News", sister entity of the uber-conservative "Washington Times", is reporting that Karl Rove has been dispatched to capitol hill to shake down Republican senators on the judiciary committee. That's right, a conservative rag is actually advertising this type of activity on the part of this administration. Apparently any veil or illusion of propriety on the part of the Bush White House is no longer necessary.

Here's the article:

Mr. Rove is telling senators on the committee that if they vote against the president during their investigation of his domestic spying program, the senators will be "blacklisted". What does blacklisting mean, in this instance? It means that the administration will not politically or financially support the senator when he or she runs for re-election come November. (Given the president's current poll numbers, that may not be a bad thing)

Now here's what I want to know: How is it that this type of activity on the part of Karl Rove and the Bush administration does not constitute obstruction of justice?? How does it not constitute a breach of the separation of powers?? Here you have an on-going investigation on the part of the legislative branch of the federal government about possible illegal activity on the part of the executive branch. Now agents of the executive branch are trying to use coercion to guarantee a positive outcome of this investigation. Can someone please tell me why this is not illegal??!!!

Wouldn't this be the same as a defendant in a criminal trial hiring thugs to intimidate the jury trying his case? What makes these tactics any different than those employed by organized crime in this country? What makes the Bush "family" (Rove, Cheney, Gonzalez, etc.) any different than the Gambino crime family?

If I were Arlen Specter, and Rove walked into my office to twist my arm regarding the outcome of an on-going investigation, I'd make sure he left my office in handcuffs. But that's just me.

When are the true patriots in the Republican party going to wake up and help take back our country from an administration that is willing to shred the constitution every time it gets in the way of their agenda? Isn't it their patriotic duty to do so? Weren't they also sworn to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States"?

I point this out for a reason. Nowhere in the oath of office for President, Senator, or Congressman does it say they are sworn to defend a party, an ideology, or another elected official. There primary affirmation in their oath is to support and defend THE CONSTITUTION. What part of this don't our elected officials in Washington understand?

And our responsibility as citizens is to hold them accountable, to make sure they make good on that oath. Consider that when you cast your votes in the upcoming elections in November, as well as any other future elections. It's our country, and they are our representatives. Ask yourself when you go to the polls: "Have they really been representing my best interests, or their own?"


At 10:32 AM, February 09, 2006, Blogger Colette said...

My dear Marlipern

Welcome to the blogosphere/blogdom - whatever the hell this is - I think you will find it addicting - so be careful (at work etc.)

Also watch out for 'trolls' - people who will come to your blog and leave nasty comments just to get your goat so to speak.

Love you - glad to have you out here with the rest of us who are worried/concerned about this country and the future.

C -


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