Friday, May 19, 2006

So many right-wing racists, so little time.

I thought perhaps that one blatant racist remark per week would be good enough for the racist-right. Guess I was wrong. Shortly after the new White House Press Secretary, Tony Snow, made his thinly veiled “tar baby” racist remark (twice), the king of intolerance himself, Bill O’Reilly, decided to jump on the bandwagon. On his Faux News show, “The O’Reilly Factor”, Bill chose to defend the “white power structure” in this country (his words, not mine). Mr. “O Really?” even suggested that, “according to the lefty zealots, the white Christians who hold power must be swept out by a new multicultural tide, a rainbow coalition, if you will.” Yes Bill, I'm afraid you’re right. In the words of the immortal Dr. Martin Luther King, “I have a dream”. Difference is, I hold my view because I believe in justice for ALL. You hold yours because you believe in power for the few.

What, may I ask is wrong with the concept of a “multicultural tide, a rainbow coalition” in this country? It certainly speaks to the spirit of the words “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal”. Problem is, that concept is a threat to the institutionalized racism that still exists in our country. It is a threat to the predominantly white power brokers, who roam the halls of power with impunity in this country, and hold all those who are “different” (different race, different faith, different ideology) with disdain and contempt. And it is a threat to the “good ol’ (white) boys” network of corrupt politicians, lobbyists, contractors, and clergy.

But in this, I think the racist-right has underestimated the strength and determination of the average Americans, who are sick and tired of “business as usual” in this country. And the first clue that the righties are going to get as to how badly they misjudged the American people is going to come in the elections this coming November. And the losses that they will suffer in the House and the Senate will be but the first volley in the battle for the very soul of our country.

Not so long ago, I was very discouraged about the prospects of the American people taking back their country. I had lost most of my hope that in the end; the “good guys” would win. It seemed that through their divisive and deceitful tactics, through their fear mongering and manipulation, the scum who had usurped the power of the people in our country would continue to hold the reins of power. But from what I’ve seen happening recently, from the daily public missteps of this criminal regime, from the signs of an awakening of the general populace, my hope has been restored. We WILL take our country back, and we will do it very soon.

My message to the conservatives, to the religious right, to the neo-con fascists, to the “white power structure” in this country… I’ll use a sentiment that you have been so happy to employ in the past: Be afraid. Be very afraid. The people are coming.


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