Thursday, February 09, 2006

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Why? Because the Bush administration says so, that's why. After all, we can't control you sheep as easily unless we play the fear card.

It appears that Bush & company have started a new campaign to use fear as a tool to get us to look the other way. Recognize it for what it is... smoke & mirrors. Perhaps they feel that if we're scared, we're less likely to question assaults on the constitution. Like, perhaps the domestic spying program?

The president has suddenly decided to provide details about a terror plot that was apparently thwarted back in 2002 involving crashing a plane into a Los Angeles skyscraper. Why it is that the president has waited nearly 4 years to reveal details about this plot is a mystery. Isn't it interesting though, that this comes at a time when the administration is trying to justify a questionable domestic spying program that they've defended on national security grounds.

Last night, a senate office building was evacuated due to a false alarm for a nerve agent. Does this remind you of the events surrounding the anthrax attacks of 2001? Good. I'm betting it's supposed to. Am I sounding too much like a conspiracy theorist? Perhaps. Of course, don't rule out the possibility that there really IS a conspiracy here. That the timing of these events is not pure coincidence.

After all, we're talking about an administration that pays "journalists" for positive articles in the Iraqi press. A regime that uses mob-like tactics to quell dissent within it's party's ranks. A gang of ideologues that feels the Constitution is simply an obstacle to get around.

George Orwell would be proud.


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