Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Grow a backbone you spineless twits!

There are truly times when I am embarrassed to be a Democrat. The past couple of days fall into that category. Sen. Russell D. Feingold of Wisconsin, one of the few in the party these days who seems to have the courage of his convictions, has proposed legislation to censure President Bush. And not one Democrat stepped up to the plate to stand with him. Not one.

What does this say about our party? Here you have a President whose constant overreaching and power-grabbing threatens to render the Constitution and Bill of Rights moot, and the Democratic members of Congress and the Senate are afraid to stand up and say: "No you don't. Not on my watch." I expect that from Republicans. They talk a good game, but when it comes to it, they're just sheep being led around by their White House masters. But the Democrats! When did my party loose sight of the fact that the three most important words in the Constitution are: "We the People"?

Shame on you! Shame on you, Senator Reid. Shame on you, Senator Durbin. Shame on you, Congresswoman Pelosi. Shame on you, Congressman Hoyer. You are the leaders of your party! Quit cowering in the corner and lead!! Or else step aside for someone who is willing to lead. So far, the only Democratic legislators who seem willing to do that are Sen. Feingold and Rep. Conyers.

Now is no time for the Democrats in Congress and the Senate to shirk their responsibilities as our representatives. The stakes are far too high. America needs leadership. Leadership it can trust. Leadership that won't back down from a fight. Leadership that will hold this administration accountable to its constituents - namely, We the People.


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