Friday, March 31, 2006

Where’s the beef?

I was in a discussion recently regarding suggestions that have been made in the past, and are likely to be made in the future, about a Constitutional amendment to ban the burning of the U.S. flag. One very insightful comment that was made during the discussion was:

“A flag burning amendment is a politician’s wet dream. They don't have to actually fix any of the real problems we have in this country like the national debt, education, rebuilding New Orleans, healthcare, social security, what in the world we are going to do in Iraq, etc.. It is a completely empty gesture, like ‘Freedom Fries.’”

And it got me to thinking… Doesn’t that pretty much describe Republican/conservative politics in this country?

The fact is, when you're talking about the likes of George Bush, Bill Frist, Dick Cheney, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, etc. etc. etc., you're talking about the masters of window dressing. The basic philosophy is: drive wedges, be divisive, wave the flag, talk tough, preach "values", wear your "patriotism" on your sleeve, wear your "Christianity" on your sleeve, ooze self righteousness, and DO NOTHING.

The concept of actually solving problems is foreign to them.

Ask a liberal and a conservative why they want to hold public office, and you'll get two different answers, along these lines...

Liberal: "I want to make a difference." Translation - I want to help solve people's problems.

Conservative: "I want to serve my country." Translation - I want to hold public office.

To those neocons out there who think I'm fulla crap, I have one question for you: "Where's the beef?" Show me one example of something substantive that the conservatives have contributed to our country recently. Something they've offered up that ACTUALLY SOLVES PEOPLE'S PROBLEMS.

Show me. I dare you. I double-dog dare you.

Where is the substance that backs up your self-righteous posturing?

Yep, that pretty much describes the right wing in this country. Getting elected for the sake of getting elected, and holding power at all costs. Even when it's our country that pays the price.

Yep. It’s O.K. to shred the Constitution, but don’t you dare burn that flag!


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