Monday, February 13, 2006

Straight shooters? Apparently not.

Looks like the veep had a bad weekend.

Information came out late last week that didn’t bode well for Dick. Apparently, “Scooter” Libby’s testimony has implicated Vice President Dick Cheney in the scandal surrounding the leaking of Valerie Plame’s identity. And just when the top Dick in the administration thought things couldn’t get any worse, he shoots one of his hunting buddies in the face and chest.

Honestly Mr. Cheney, couldn’t you just tell the guy to go f*ck himself? Did you have to shoot him? Good thing you were more careful when you were duck hunting with Justice Scalia. Otherwise, we might have another member of the “Concerned Alumni of Princeton” (or worse) on the Supreme Court.

Some pundits on the right have said in the past that Dick Cheney was a “straight shooter.” All evidence to the contrary. Really, you should stick to light sabers Lord Vader. At least until they take the training wheels off your 28 gauge.

These guys are turning incompetence into an art form.

Seriously though... I'm really curious what the laws are in Texas regarding accidental shootings. Isn't there some ordinance about being negligent with a firearm? And if so, does anyone think that this law will be applied to the Vice President? Don't hold your breath.

Another question that begs to be asked... Exactly when was the V.P. going to come forward and fess up to this incident. Early indications are that this was being kept quiet, until, alas, someone in the media started asking questions.

Mr. Cheney's hunting pal is a an Austin, TX attorney, a prominent Republican, and a contributor to both the Bush-Cheney campaigns. I'm betting he's not going to sue the veep over this. But let me ask this: Would you or I be as lucky if we accidently shot this man while hunting? I think not.
Not unless we were members of the good ol' boys, straight-shooter network.


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