Monday, April 03, 2006

A nuclear Iran is no doubt a serious global threat…

But then again, the U.S. with nukes is a serious global threat. As is Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Gr. Britain, France, Israel, N.Korea, etc...etc...etc.

I think the United States must be EXTREMELY careful in acting unilaterally against Iran. We are talking about a country with a very effective and well-established human intelligence network. Not to mention that Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad are at their beck and call. I would say it is extremely likely that the U.S. would be targeted for a terrorist attack in the event of any unilateral military action against Iran on our part.

Having said that, I think the real threat of a nuclear Iran is to Israel, not the U.S. (other than the threat to our country's drug of choice - oil) It's likely that Israel also has better intelligence than we do on the extent and location of Iran's nuclear facilities.

My bet is that when Israel deems that the Iranian nuclear program has gone too far, they will act themselves to attempt to put an end to it, and won't ask us for permission. Will this start a full-scale military conflict in the region? Probably. Will it start WWIII? Possibly. But I would like to believe that cooler heads would prevail.

Whatever the outcome of the situation in Iran, I find it highly hypocritical for the U.S., or quite frankly any of the current nuclear powers, to lecture Iran or any other country on non-proliferation. How can we tell other countries not to develop nuclear weapons when we are taking absolutely no serious steps to reduce our own nuclear arsenals?


At 12:46 AM, April 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree 100% with your comments. Hans Blitz (remember him who said there were no WMDSin Iraq) said today that Iran was at least 5 years away from having anything meaniful. Is the real truth that Bush is only looking at the Oil, just like Iraq?.

At 1:18 PM, April 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After monitoring the UN weapons inspectors in Iraq during the 90's, I knew Iraq had no WMD. The infamous Hans Blix says Iran needs 5 years to be able have an effective bomb ready to detonate. Bush is rattling a saber at Iran to let them know he will attack if provoked in Iraq (which I call West Iran). When will the rest of America wake up? Can't they see the truth in front of them? Totally blinded by the right!


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