Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I sure have become popular with the right-wing crowd.

Seems I have another fan from the right side of the political spectrum. A gentleman by the name of Jim (to respect his privacy, I'll not list the last name), decided to drop me a line to tell me what a bang-up job I, and my fellow left-wing bloggers were doing:

" You are all Idiots!!!!!!!!!!

As a Marine that has served my nation in combat you cowardly left tree-huggers kill me. You have no clue what is going on in the world and only make up shit(your agenda) as you go.
You people are the cowards that say you have "freedom of speech" but have never contributed in any way by defending your nation. Oh, there are a few veterans that are left wingers but most of them where shit birds anyway.
These "blogs" are just a bunch of little spineless butt-nuggets that have to hide behind a PC monitor because they don't have a set of balls to face the TRUE AMERICANS. THE VETERANS!!!!!
From a veteran that bled. Semper Fi
Jim ******
Call and we can meet anytome , any place."

Well Jim, I'm sorry you feel that way. Perhaps someday you'll see beyond the "wave the flag" partisan bullshit that has been spewed your way and realize that "tree-huggers" like me love our country just as much as you do.

Whatever you think of me, thank you for your service to our country. Whatever our differences in ideology, I strongly feel that serving your nation in the armed forces is a most noble thing to do, and I have never taken for granted the sacrifices that our men and women in uniform make for our country, and I am very grateful.

Believe it or not, one can support the troops and NOT support an ill-advised, unjust, and illegal war. Because in the end, this misadventure in Iraq is exactly that. And history my friend, will prove us bleeding-heart-tree-huggers right on that count.

And incidently, I, like so many among the "loyal opposition" are "True Americans", no matter what you have to say about it. We love our country enough to want to defend the very foundations upon which our great nation was formed. The Constitution, and the principles it embodies are far more important than cheap oil or corporate greed. And they are certainly more important than partisan political posturing on BOTH sides of the aisle. And in the end, they are more important than either one of us. That is what I would take a bullet for. That is what I would fight and die to defend. I would hope you would do the same.

And I defend my nation every day. This is how I do it. I'm willing to speak truth to people who sometimes seem to have more testosterone than brains. And I will continue to do it. So please don't waste your breath, or my time with intimidation tactics like calling me a coward or challenging me to meet you "anytome , any place". I'm secure in my beliefs, in my honor, and in my patriotism. And no schoolyard bulley antics are ever going to shake that.

Perhaps someday you'll get beyond your anger and the blinders you wear and realize that you and I are not so different. That we are both patriots. That we both love our country. We are a nation divided, and we need to heal that chasm for the good of all Americans.

I wish you well.


At 9:58 AM, June 13, 2006, Blogger Gambling Traveler said...

This looks mysteriously like the same cut-and-paste posts spewed around the other political forums the past few days. Is this just another lie from the right-wing liars? Another paid shill? Why has the right gotten so very unethical, unbelievable, immorale? Take a good look at what our military is risking their lives for. Corruption!

Just say why

At 12:37 PM, June 13, 2006, Blogger Julia said...

Thank you for your respectful post in response to that jack ass who thinks that tree hugging leftwingers are butt nuggets or whatever he said so eloquently. He sounds like a freak.

Yes, we can support our troops without supporting the misadventures of this war and our corrupt administration.

I do feel though that defending our country is a term so overused and misused. Yes, on our soil, we need to defend our country and its citizens from harm. Fighting abroad to further an fraudulent cause like Bush's isn't defending our country. It's bloodshed. Plain and simple. With warfare, no one wins.

I'm so tired of hearing how lefts aren't true American loving people. Excuse me Mr. Right Wing who wrote in, my father is a decorated veteran of the military for 20+ years. He loves his country and he loves trees and he loves freedom of and FROM religion! He believes in our constitution. He doesn't believe in this war nor in this damn administration's lies. Never has our country been more divided.

And how does this right winger know what the heck we know,understand or have experiencd? Now the right are mind readers too.

At 2:31 PM, June 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone needs to tell JIM that he's full of shit.

I have a friend living with me. A MARINE who served his country in Afghanistan and Iraq. He says this is all bullshit that they don't want us there and were just making things worse.

My friend who is currently serving in the ARMY and has been deployed to Iraq TWICE and nearly had his head blown off by an insurgent and has been hit with IED's can't understand WTF were doing there either.

So Jim if your reading this.. STFU you stupid SOB and WAKE UP!.


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