Tuesday, April 04, 2006

What do I call the resignation of the former House Majority Leader?

A good start. And no doubt the first in a series of dominos to fall thanks to the best friend that the American political system has had in a long time… Jack Abramoff. Yes indeed, after months of scandals and indictments, Mr. DeLay has finally read the writing on the wall and has announced he will resign from Congress. Of course, in typical Republican style, DeLay made it a point to “spin” the issues behind his decision.

"I refuse to allow liberal Democrats an opportunity to steal this seat with a negative personal campaign". Excuse me? “Steal this seat”?? Did it ever occur to you, Congressman DeLay, that your constituents might not look too favorably on money laundering, gerrymandering, and bribery? Sorry Tom, you can’t pin this one on the Dems. You did this to yourself. Deal with it.

And of course, in typical Republican style, the Bush administration decided to “spin” their reaction to Mr. DeLay’s decision. "Congressman DeLay has been a good ally whom the president has worked very closely with." Yeah, with friends like that, who needs Abu Ghraib, or Plamegate, or Katrinagate, or WMDgate, or an opposition party for that matter? Really dubya, you sure you still want to cozy up to this guy? I mean he’s so radioactive, you can see the glow a mile away. Oh well, suit yourself.

And in an unnecessary attempt to improve his chances of winning the “Bonehead of the Year” award, Rep. DeLay has actually suggested that he might want to become a lobbyist. That he might be able to accomplish more outside of Congress than within. Well Mr. DeLay, your buddy Jack Abramoff has had a great deal of experience as a lobbyist, why don’t you ask him how that’s working out for him?

This is the beginning folks. As Abramoff continues to sing, more crooks will continue to tumble. Consider it Darwin’s theory of natural selection being applied to the American political scene.


At 7:39 AM, April 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And no doubt the first in a series of dominos to fall thanks to the best friend that the American political system has had in a long time… Jack Abramoff."

Fortunately for you, you are not hooked up to a truth meter, or else your balls would be singed (even if you were a girl).

Because Mr. Abramoff has specifically said that DeLay had NOTHING to do with him, and he can offer no evidence that DeLay did anything wrong.

Plus, he can point to Minority Leader and National Fuck Up Harry Reid as being in the pocket of squeezing money from Indians in Nevada - and then voting the way Abramoff told him.

If the Review-Journal in Las Vegas keeps it up, they will find that smoking gun on Pissant Harry, and Mr. Reid will go not to Washington but to federal prison.

And will that be a laugh fucking riot. I wonder what Nancy Pelosi's reaction to that would be?


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