Friday, May 05, 2006

Are you righties sure you want to pick this fight??

The mainstream media is jumping on the story of Rep. Patrick Kennedy crashing his vehicle early Thursday morning, and the suggestion that alcohol may have been involved. Some have suggested that Rep. Kennedy got preferential treatment, since no field sobriety test was administered. And the rightwing pundits will no doubt be all over this one, pointing their crooked fingers the Congressman and calling him a “boozer” or worse.

Now, I would agree, that given the circumstances of the accident, the time of night, the swerving witnessed, the reported staggering of the Congressman; that a field sobriety test should have been performed. And if any preferential treatment was given, that was just plain wrong. No elected official deserves a blanket “get out of jail free” card.

Having said that, I have to ask the conservo-republi-fasci-nutjobs whether they really want to pick this fight? Are you SURE??? Because turnabout is fair play. I would hope that I don’t need to remind you of the recent right-wing history on alcohol/drug abuse? Just in case, let me refresh your memory…

We have a former (?) cokehead and drunkard sitting in the White House these days. His DUI history is a matter of public record, and his coke use is legendary. We have a V.P. who shot a man in the face while reportedly under the influence. In this instance, the authorities were not permitted to even interview the V.P. until 14 hours after the incident, so no sobriety test was performed. We have the biggest name in conservative talk who was just at the local police station to finalize his plea deal on drug and “doctor shopping” charges.

So if those on the right want to play-up the incident with Congressman Kennedy, I say bring it on. ‘Cause those of us on the left will continue to pummel you with the baseball bat of your own hypocrisy.


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