Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Scotty beamed himself outta here…

Now if only Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld & Co. could follow his lead. Yep, the media’s favorite administration punching bag, Press Secretary Scott McClellen has decided to call it quits. Wonder if it has anything to do with him being the only person in the room, day after day, who takes himself seriously. Face it Scotty, you had an impossible job. You had to appear in front of the cameras every day, telling nothing but lies, and try to keep a straight face. I’m sure Faux News will be more than happy to give you a job – what you did at the White House is right up their alley.

Speaking of Faux News, it looks like Tony Snow, host of Fox News radio show, creatively named the “Tony Snow Show”, is being offered the position as the new White House Press Secretary. As I stated about McClellen above, whether lying for Faux of lying for Bush, I’m sure Snow is more than qualified for the job.

Tony Snow is no stranger to the White House; he was chief speechwriter and then “deputy assistant to the president for media affairs” for G.H.W. Bush from 1991 – 1993. So Snow has good crony credentials as well. To my knowledge, Snow has not yet accepted the position. C’mon Tony, join the cabal and help serve the corporations – I mean your country.

Meanwhile, someone I have a soft spot in my heart for, Lee Iacocca, had a great quote during an interview in Calabasas magazine. I didn’t always agree with Iacocca, but I love his candor:

"I make speeches for the Washington Speakers Bureau, get $75,000 for 30 minutes, and all I ever say is, ‘Here's what management is about. Hire good people and set some basic priorities and objectives’ Well, let's see how George Bush qualifies. The people that surround him are just friends, and I think most of them just schmucks, because I know a lot of them. Who runs the country? Cheney, is getting old and sick and had this hunting accident. And "Rummy," Rumsfeld, whom I know real well -- they've been together forever, and they run the country. They had Condoleezza Rice for lunch. I don't know what she's got on Bush, but, boy, he believes in her. Other than those three, the mastermind of them all, the boy genius, is Karl Rove -- slime bucket that he is. You've got to know him to see how slimy he is.” (found on - thanks Steve)

Senile or not, at 81, you gotta love this guy’s way of shooting from the hip. Perhaps he should be the new Bushco Press Secretary.


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