Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Pumping up the profits at America's expense.

Gas prices at record highs. Oil company profits at record highs. Bush’s poll numbers at record lows. Is there a correlation here? You bet.

While average Americans, whose “real wages” have gone down every year since Bush took office, are spending more of their wages on the high cost of gas; oil company execs. are laughing all the way to the bank. The only real benefit to the situation? Bush appears to be taking a pummeling as a result. Small comfort to those of us who are paying twice as much for gas today as we were when Bush took office.

Apparently, it takes a communist foreign head of state to get Bushco to pay attention to the woes of Americans paying way too much for fuel. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced yesterday he plans to expand the year-old program of providing reduced-cost heating oil to low-income households in America’s northeast. Last year, Chavez’s program provided heating oil to 45,000 needy families in Massachusetts alone. Ironically, some Republicans have criticized Chavez for doing this just to “embarrass” President Bush.

I got news for you neanderthals on the right… Bush embarrasses himself through his total lack of concern for the American people, and his total lack of action during his presidency regarding U.S. dependence on foreign oil. Bush's energy policy (if you can call it that) has been a total failure. And while Mr. Bush may feel "embarrassed" by a foreign head of state helping Americans, he obviously feels no shame for his total lack of leadership.

America can only hope that good old-fashioned American ingenuity will come to the rescue where our government has not. And we’re getting there, but we’ve got a long way to go. We need another technological "quantum leap" to really reap the benefits of hybrid, fuel cell, and other next generation energy technologies.

What we really need to address the energy concerns of this and future generations is what I believe is the logical next step in the evolution of mankind's technology. Mark my words... the next technology that will truly "change the world" (I'm talking the likes of the wheel, the plow, the incandescent bulb, splitting the atom, etc.) will be a discovery in the area of energy storage and transmission.

Current battery technology is inefficient, cumbersome, environmentally unfriendly, and unnecessarily expensive. The guy who comes up with the quantum leap in "battery" technology will be the new Edison, the next generation's Einstein. And he or she will truly change the world.

And while the former execs. of the fossil fuel industries are wallowing in their newfound lack of power and recently discovered lack of vision, the innovator who comes up with this new technology will be laughing all the way to the bank.


At 6:42 AM, April 26, 2006, Blogger Pete said...

Money & votes will drive the US energy programs more so with Republicans who are better organized to protect their turf. That is too bad. Scientists should establish what can be done to eleviate the US and the world energy program. Keep sticking it to each other and we all get stuck in the mud & muck.

At 6:43 AM, April 26, 2006, Blogger Pete said...


At 12:45 PM, May 01, 2006, Blogger Marlipern said...


You're full of it, and I'm sure you know you're full of it. GDP doesn't mean crap in the context of median income.

Median income adjusted for inflation, in other words, the buying power of American's incomes, has gone down every year for the past five years. And since you bring up the subject of corporations... CEO pay has increased every year for the past five, including 25% last year alone.

You want to throw facts and statistics at me, fine. But make sure they are relevant to the debate. Otherwise, don't waste your breath, or my time.

At 1:00 AM, May 02, 2006, Blogger Marlipern said...


The funniest thing about your pathetic response is that, if it were a Democrat in office with the same weak economic numbers, you'd be all for pinning it on him (or her - BTW get used to that idea).

No, the president doesn't control the economy. But he sets the tone for the nation. He puts forth the agenda, and proposes the direction he wants to take the country. And so far, this president has taken this country in the WRONG direction. Domestically, internationally, militarily. You name it, he's failed in every aspect of his presidency.

"Simple minded liberals". That's funny. Considering we have a president with an I.Q. in the middle double-digits. And the goose-stepping neocons he surrounds himself with don't have an original thought to save their lives.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: Blindly following those that would lead you to your own destruction doesn't make you righteous, it simply makes you stupid.


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