Wednesday, June 14, 2006

How does one deal with a stubborn, spoiled brat?

You know the type of kid I’m talking about. Ornery, defiant, unwilling to listen to those who are older and wiser. Many times, such a child’s stubborn streak prevents him from seeing the “big picture”, and often puts himself and those around him in difficult, if not dangerous situations. So what is one to do? How do you take the “brat” out of the child?

Apparently, that is the question much of the rest of the world is asking in regards to the immature, defiant country known as the United States. In a recent Pew Research Group poll, 17,000 people in 15 countries were asked about the “war on terror”, the threat posed by a nuclear Iran, and the threat posed by the U.S. being in Iraq, among other things. For the United States, the numbers are not good.

A few key items identified in the poll:

10 of the 15 countries surveyed had an “unfavorable” opinion of the U.S. Only 3 of those countries had an unfavorable opinion of the U.S. in 2002.

12 of the 15 countries considered the U.S. presence in Iraq to be a greater threat to world peace than a nuclear Iran.

China is looked upon more favorably than the U.S. in the majority of the countries surveyed.

In none of the countries surveyed (including the U.S.) do the majority of the people believe that the war leading to Saddam Hussein's removal made the world safer.

The good news? In most countries surveyed, Americans are seen as "inventive" and "hardworking". Unfortunately, they are also seen by many as "violent" and "greedy" - a judgment with which many Americans agree.

It's too bad that this administration has pissed away the goodwill of the rest of the world towards America. Especially since we had such an outpouring of support after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

As it is now, it won't be long before the majority of the "free" world starts to look at the U.S. with the same level of contempt that was previously reserved for the former Soviet Union.

But hey, let's "stay the course". Cause the good old U.S. of A.; nothing more than a child in terms of maturity as a country, knows what's best for the rest of the world. And if the rest of the world doesn't agree, we'll just throw a temper tantrum! After all, we’ve already got the spoiled brat to do it. None other than the U.S. “Ambassador” to the U.N., John Bolton.

It’s too bad the adult, rational portion of the world can't give the U.S. a "time out". We desperately need one.


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