Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The inmates are running the asylum.

Hello? Anybody home?

Okay, let me get this straight.... A President who has never vetoed anything, one who hasn't met a porkbarrel bill he doesn't like, is now threatening to veto any legislation that would jeopardize a deal to put an Arab country in charge of six vital U.S. ports. Republicans and Democrats alike are trying to put the brakes on this deal. Majority leader Senator Bill Frist, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, and many other Republicans who normally blindly drink the kool-aid, are publicly speaking out about their concerns on this deal.

But Bush & Co. claim that control of the ports by the UAE company would not be any threat to national security. Never mind the fact that the UAE banking system was the ATM of choice for the 9/11 highjackers. Never mind the fact that the UAE has time and again been tied to, and tolerant of, terrorist activity. Tell me Mr. President, what exactly DO you consider to be a threat to national security.

I suppose it shouldn't surprise anyone. Dumbya is just following in grand daddy Prescott Bush's footsteps. You see, Prescott Bush had a hard time identifying the enemy as well, being the banker to the Third Reich. It wasn't until the government threatened to throw him in jail and they seized the assets of his business under the Trading with the Enemy Act, that Prescott Bush ended his association with the Nazis. That was in 1942.

Here's the article I'm citing (I've also confirmed this through other sources):


When are we going to take this administration to task? At what point in time does treason trump profiteering? Does anyone doubt that the underlying reason behind the President's sudden threat to veto is a financial one, either for him or one of his cronies? Wake up America.

Centuries from now, someone will pick up an American History book from our era and think that it's a novel. 'Cause there's no way this stuff could happen in reality.


At 9:50 PM, February 21, 2006, Blogger Colette said...

No shit....

I am sick of this - who's minding the store?

What ever happened to of the people, by the people, for the people?????
I am sick and tired of the lunatics running the show in Washington - spending billions on crap *I* never voted for and meanwhile I can't afford to buy a house, put my kids through college, get decent medical care, or retire!!!!!

Yep, makes perfect sense to me....

Bloody revolution, anyone???? Who's with me here??????


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