Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Shooting ourselves in the foot once more.

Yesterday was a bad day for the Ohio Democratic party, and democracy as a whole. Paul Hackett, an Iraqi war vet and candidate for Senate has decided to hang 'em up. He has sited "repeated requests by party leaders, as well as behind the scenes machinations, that were intended to hurt my campaign." It appears that the party, both within and without the state, has decided to back another horse, Congressman Sherrod Brown of Ohio's 13th district.

Now, I have nothing against Sherrod Brown. He has been a dedicated servant to his constituents and seems to be an honorable man. My beef is with the state and national Democratic party. Paul Hackett has thus far run a clean, competent, issues-based campaign, and seemed to be gaining momentum. In a recent poll of contenders for the Senate seat he is running for, he polled ahead of all his Democratic competition, including Sherrod Brown. Hackett appears to be a man committed to furthering honest debate, and addressing the culture of special interests and corruption that exists in government today.

Here are some quotes from Mr. Hackett:

"The culture of corruption that pervades Washington is only a symptom of a larger problem. Career politicians who value the extension of their career over what’s best for their constituents have left the American people out in the cold time and again."

"Corporations shouldn’t be getting tax cuts for sending good jobs overseas. The economic policy of the United States should reflect the values we share as a society. Let’s help small businesses with incentives and less red-tape. Let’s look out for the elderly, our children and the poor. We have the largest economy in the world… let’s start using it for the people who have worked to create it."

"Our environmental policies must be grounded in sound science with significant investments in future technologies. I’m committed to the development of clean, renewable and affordable energy because it doesn’t just benefit the environment it helps to grow the economy and to create new jobs."

Honestly, how can you not like this guy? But the Democratic party has decided to put "business as usual" ahead of progress within their party, and within our country. I guess they feel it's better to put forward a candidate that is established and predictable over someone they don't control.

My problem here is: how can we complain about cronyism in the Bush administration when we appear to be practicing it within our own party. As I said, Sherrod Brown is a good man, but Paul Hackett is a fresh face and a progressive thinker, something that is sadly lacking in the Democratic party and in politics in general.

The saddest part about all this is that Mr. Hackett has announced that this is the end of his political career. He has stated "I will not be running in the Second Congressional District nor for any other elective office. This decision is final, and not subject to reconsideration. " So basically, the power brokers within the Democratic party have turned this guy off to the idea of elected office. Great job guys, great job. It's no wonder we can't seem to take control of Congress and the Senate... we're too busy trying to maintain the status quo, the culture of mediocrity, to concentrate on re-invigorating the party and advancing the national debate.

It’s to the point where I'm seriously considering advocating voting ALL incumbents out and starting over.


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