Thursday, February 16, 2006

Because I said so, that's why.

Works for parents. Has for eons. In fact, I have to admit I've used the line myself. However, we're not talking about dealing with children here. We're talking about the blatant disregard for the rule of law by a regime that has repeatedly preached "we're a nation of laws". Put your money where your hypocrisy is, Mr. Bush.

It seems every time the administration gets their hands caught in the cookie jar, the standard answer is: "I signed an executive order, and that makes it OK". Not so, mon capitain. Executive orders have limitations. Executive orders DO NOT trump the Constitution. Presidents in the past have found that out, and so will this one.

I bring this up in the wake of V.P. Dick Cheney's too little, too late interview from yesterday on Fox News. In the interview, Mr. Cheney responded to a question regarding his authority to declassify information. Cheney stated "There is an executive order to that effect." Well, not exactly Mr. Vice President. I'm assuming he is referring to either executive order 12958, issued by President Clinton, or executive order 13292, issued by President Bush (dumbya), which amends 12958. In either case, declassification requires a review process, and the agency or individual who originated the classification must be consulted. So the V.P. cannot arbitrarily declassify something without following the established process. You might actually try reading the executive order Mr. Cheney.

Maybe I'm alone here, but it sure seems to me that this administration feels that it can rule by decree. That anything that pops into the head of POTUS or VPOTUS can be made law just by turning it into an executive order. I don't think so sparky. The Constitution makes a clear distinction who has the legislative authority in this country.

What I don't get is why Bush & Co. don't go to Congress to get any law they want passed. I mean really, the Republicans own both houses, and unless something has recently changed, none of them have grown a pair, so it's unlikely they'd stand up to Bush. So really, why not go to Congress and have them just coronate you emperor of the world?

That way, if some poor dumb schmuck like me, or some impertinent reporter has the audacity to ask you "Why?", you can simply say "Because I said so, that's why."


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