Thursday, March 02, 2006

If the symbol of the DEMOCRATIC party is a donkey, why is HE such a jackass?

So now, once again, we find the President caught in a lie. Roll the tape....

Turns out that in two briefings that were video taped, both the day before and the day of Katrina hitting New Orleans, the administration was informed that a breach of the levees was "a very, very great concern". This statement was made by National Hurricane Center Director Max Mayfield, whom I would think would be one of the best people to evaluate the potential power of the storm. Yet four days later, the President made the statement "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." Yes, Mr. President, someone did. And he made it pretty clear that he was concerned about it. And you sat on your ass in Crawford.

The day prior to the storm making landfall, the President made this statement during a video conference from his ranch in Crawford, TX.: "I want to assure the folks at the state level that we are fully prepared to not only help you during the storm, but we will move in whatever resources and assets we have at our disposal after the storm to help you deal with the loss of property. And we pray for no loss of life, of course". Unfortunately, it looks like your prayers weren't answered Mr. President. More than 1300 people died as a result of Hurricane Katrina. Where was all this help you promised? Where were all the assets that you promised to move into place. The facts of the event indicate that the federal response was minimal, and late. And you sat on your ass in Crawford.

According to CNN, the administration was quick to put the blame elsewhere: "In an apparent effort to deflect criticism from the Bush administration, Homeland Security officials highlighted in yellow parts of the transcript that showed any weakness by local officials." Surprise, surprise. Isn't it you & your staff, Mr. President, who are always saying we shouldn't play "the blame game"? Well what are you doing now? "We were bad, but look at them!" Pay no attention to the empty suit behind the curtain... Be a man. Take responsibility for your own failures. Truman was right, "the buck stops here." Ultimately, President Bush needs to be held accountable for the things that he did and didn't do, and the statements that he made, that are now a matter of public record.

How much evidence does the Congress need before they start Impeachment proceedings?? I mean, really, is this not a failure to "provide for the common defense" and "promote the general welfare"? Not to mention all the other illegal and unethical activity that is the hallmark of this administration. When will Congress grow a backbone? And when will the American people stand up and demand that they do their job?


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