Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Bigotry and Discrimination in the guise of "protecting the children".

The civil rights movement is not over. Far from it. Yesterday it manifested itself in the boycotts in the south and peaceful marches throughout the country. Today it is manifesting itself in the outrage felt and expressed throughout our nation over the discriminatory practices being enacted by the current administration and their ilk. In the sixties the main targets of discrimination in this country were African Americans and poor Americans. Today, the main targets of discrimination are African Americans, poor Americans, Latin Americans, Arab Americans, and Gay Americans. Have we made progress since the sixties in the battle for civil rights? I wonder.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." These aren't just words. They mean something. They mean that until ALL Americans are free to exercise their rights, then none of us are free. This includes Gay Americans, the latest targets in the current administration's efforts to restrict the rights of the groups it considers "objectionable".

Ohio is now introducing legislation that would ban the adoption or foster care of children by gay or lesbian individuals or couples. And Ohio is not alone. There are efforts in at least 15 other states to pass similar restrictions. Advocates of this attack on civil liberties are citing the welfare of adopted and foster children as their concern. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Child Welfare League of America, and many adoption advocacy groups have pointed out that their research indicates that children raised in homes with Gay adoptive or foster parents fare as well, or better than those raised in heterosexual households. But, as always, the conservative right never lets the facts get in the way of their agenda.

I'm straight, and have chosen to share my life with my wonderful wife. I have friends who are gay, and have chosen to share their lives with their equally wonderful partners. Why does the fact that I chose to have someone of the opposite sex as my partner necessarily make me a better parent? Gays have just as much capacity for love, just as much capability to provide a safe, nurturing environment, so what is the argument?

Most arguments that I've heard from those on the right involve providing an "optimal home environment" for foster and adopted children, but if you push them on the issue, it will likely boil down to religious grounds. So I'd like to know, exactly where in the Constitution can I find the passage "for additional information, please consult the King James Bible". You cannot legislate morality. You cannot legislate religion. Smarter people than I have come to that conclusion. And in the end, I would hope that any such law that passes will be struck down by the courts, because there is absolutely no basis for it in the Constitution.

This of course follows on the heels of the administration's efforts to get a Constitutional amendment outlawing gay marriage, and the passing of legislation in 11 states to ban it. Sure seems to me that this regime has a real hard-on for gay people. Let's see Scott McClellan try to spin that one.


At 11:20 PM, March 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you. I've seen families where the straight couples marry then divorce, sometimes more than once. Then they have a gay sibling and that gay sibling happens to have the best relationship of them all. One partner for life and a friend to all but they are the one couple the aunts and some cousins talk about in hushed tones.

The "conservatives" want to abolish abortion now and they fully intend to do so. While I am a liberal I would not choose abortion for me but I am no ones keeper and I would dare not try to be. It is up to them and their God. I do have a problem with the "compassionate conservatives". How many of those children are they going to be adopting? The "compassionate conservatives" certainly don't want gay couples to adopt a child and live happily ever after and they want to have total control over a woman's body because they believe God intended men to have control. So, I'd like to know how many children will they adopt because these women cannot keep the children they will be forced to have and either can't keep them nor won't want to keep them.

If they don't intend to share their bigoted homes with the little ones then the best thing to do is shut up!!! Truth be told, the "compassionate conservatives" sicken me with their 2 faces.

Without an honest vote in the United States we will not see true freedom for a long time, if ever again. I don't believe it will happen for middle Americans. There just isn't enough to stand up to the "great compassionate ones" that can't shoot straight, that can't stay off the alcholol and that have gay men come and go in their White House.


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