Thursday, April 06, 2006

Gentlemen, start you nukes… and they’re off!

Looks like dubya is bored with just terrorizing the Middle East, he wants to spread the wealth. In a move prompting the response “you want to do what??” from most rational people, our government has decided to get back into the nuclear weapons business. The United States hasn’t produced a new nuclear weapon since 1989 (ironically, under daddy Bush’s tenure), but Bushco has now announced that they want to gear up to produce 125 nukes a year by 2022. The LA times has a good article on the topic:,0,5989419.story?coll=la-home-headlines

How in the hell can we preach non-proliferation around the world and at the same time ADD TO OUR NUCLEAR ARSENAL??? It's as if Bushco hasn't met a hypocrisy it doesn't like!

Here's a clue, numbskull... if we re-start the arms race, China, Russia, N. Korea and Iran will pick up the gauntlet and join us. But that’s okay, now that we’ve inked a deal with India on nukes, maybe they’ll be on our team!

How can these terrorists who call themselves our government spew on about National Security while doing everything in their power to make us (and the world) less secure????


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