Wednesday, April 12, 2006

How many smoking guns do we need?

Once again, the pathological liar who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has been caught in a lie. Remember those “biolab trailers” that the administration touted as proof positive that Iraq had a covert WMD program? Turns out an expert team, sent by the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency – a contradiction in terms), came to the conclusion that there was no way these trailers could have been used for WMDs. And Bushco knew about it in May of 2003. Here’s a Washington Post article about the report:

Now it seems to me, that given this new development, given the admission by the President that HE was behind the “Plamegate” leak, given the false statements in the state of the union address, given the illegal NSA spying program, given the debacle of a response to Katrina, that this President has some serious explaining to do. Leaking classified information (the NIE wasn’t declassified until 10 days after the leak), knowingly making false statements during a state of the union address, going to war on false pretenses, violating federal law by eavesdropping on Americans, total incompetence in the wake of a national tragedy. Is there any question at this point, that a case can be made for the impeachment of this President?

It’s time we as Americans took action to end the charade that is the Bush administration. Write your Congressman, write your Senator, protest in the streets. We’re finally at a point (I believe) where the issues of abuse of power, deception, incompetence, and illegal activity in this administration have reached critical mass. Even the dye-in-the-wool Bush apologists and blind supporters are starting to shy away from this President. I smell the blood in the water. It’s time to pounce.


At 7:30 AM, April 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You must remember sure to read ALL of the story before posting that someone is a "liar."

Such as, that it was not until MONTHS LATER that there was complete consensus that the trucks found in Iraq were not WMD.

You cannot expect someone to say something one day and blame them when months later it is proven wrong.

Unless we can blame FDR for failing to notice those small Japanese ships headed towards Hawaii, say, about mid-November 1941, right?

At 7:57 AM, April 16, 2006, Blogger Marlipern said...

Bush is a pathalogical liar. I know it, you know it, and the rest of the world knows it.

Seems the cons take the "teflon Don" approach to politics... So what if I'm guilty, I covered my tracks.

The "MONTHS LATER" that you are referring to must be the time it took for Bushco to bury the evidence.

You and the other nutjobs can delude yourselves all you want. You're defending a criminal regime. Deal with it.

At 10:00 PM, April 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darn it! It's not worth saying if I can't remember where I read it in the past few days, now is it? However...
This is 04/16, and within the past three days in one of the national newspapers I receive online proof was presented that Bush and his advisors did know several days before the speech that the CIA had advised them all that those were not the types of trucks for WMD manufacture. Several Days Before. Please don't jump aboard the "blame MarchDancer" approach. I already said I can't remember which newspaper it was in.


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