Friday, April 07, 2006

The NSA spying program… have we only heard the half of it?

In testimony before the House Judiciary committee yesterday, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez suggested the possibility that the administration also considered it legal to listen in on a completely domestic call without a warrant if it felt it was related to Al Qaeda. Thus far, the administration has only admitted to warrantless wiretapping of calls where one party was outside the U.S. The Washington Post has a story on this in today’s edition:

My money is on the likelihood that Gonzalez is just “priming the pump”, if you will. I think the administration knows this portion of the NSA program is about to become public, and they want to be “ahead of the story”. Don’t be surprised if you see this story break in the next week or so.

Meanwhile, the silence from the White House is deafening regarding yesterday’s revelation that “Scooter” Libby got authorization to leak a portion of the NIE to Judy Miller (effectively outing Valerie Plame) from President Bush himself, through V.P. Dick Cheney. I figured this would be the logical progression of this case, seeing that Libby had previously been quoted (in testimony) as saying his “superiors” (plural) had given him authorization to leak the information.

Here’s a hint to the conservatives out there… Cut your losses while you can. Get your President & V.P. to resign. If you don’t (which you won’t), and even half of what those of us on the left suspect comes to light (and it will), Republicans won’t even have control of the Capitol janitorial service for the next 50 years. And America will never trust you again.

Some would say, “well, look at Nixon – even after what he did, people still trusted the party.” Big difference here – Pres. Nixon didn’t send 2500 Americans to their death halfway around the world on false pretenses. Nixon didn’t leak classified information just to discredit someone who tried to tell the truth. And Nixon was smart enough, and not so god-damned arrogant to know when the jig was up, and he resigned for the good of his country.

“For the good of his country” is a concept that Bush, Cheney, Rove, Gonzalez, and Rumsfeld just don’t comprehend. And that is what will be their undoing. Because if you cannot be a patriot, then you have no business holding the highest offices in the land. You clowns may not be smart enough to figure that out, but I am quite sure that America is.


At 8:35 PM, April 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe in the EFF vs AT&T case?
or one of the other cases something big is about to be exposed.?
i cant wait for the truth to finally come out.maybe then we can start fixing the mess?

At 7:34 AM, April 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah, we heard it all. Bush spying on terrorists in this country.

No wonder 20% of Democrats think Bush is spying on them. 100% of the 20% is probably helping al-Qaeda, anyway. It is a big deal if Bush listens to their plots and plans.

Besides - liberals never loved this country anyway. I bet you cheered for the terrorists on 9/11.

At 8:10 AM, April 16, 2006, Blogger Marlipern said...

"Besides - liberals never loved this country anyway. I bet you cheered for the terrorists on 9/11."

You couldn't be further from the truth, and you know it. Many of the liberals who are so vocal in their opposition to the current administration are that way BECAUSE WE LOVE OUR COUNTRY.

Most of the right-wing-nutjobs seem to believe that to disagree with your country's government is equivalent to hating one's country. What a narrow-minded, ignorant way to look at things! If everyone applied that approach, we'd still have slavery in this country, women wouldn't be able to vote, sweat shops would be the norm in industry.

It has consistently been the dissenters in this country who have driven the necessary changes for the betterment of our country, and pointed out the abuses and evils of the past (and present).

You want to defend and apologize for Bush? Fine, that's your right. But I would submit that blindly following those that would lead you to your own destruction doesn't make you righteous, it simply makes you stupid.


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