Thursday, April 13, 2006

America appears to be suffering an Alzheimer’s moment.

Our collective memory in this country seems to be failing us… on multiple issues.

Remember Katrina?? Remember how thousands of people died and tens of thousands of people were displaced? Remember the federal government’s pathetic response? So, it’s 8 months later… where are we at now? Well, if today’s news is any indication, it looks like the administration is still falling on its face with regard to their response.

Yesterday, 8 months after the storm, the federal government is just releasing its guidelines on rebuilding homes destroyed by Katrina. Just the guidelines. I’d love to find out how much actual progress has been made in the rebuilding efforts. That information doesn’t seem to be reported by the mainstream media these days. It appears they have forgotten about this tragedy as well. (BTW, anyone who has first-hand info on the progress made post Katrina, please comment here, or send me an e-mail.)

Remember the run-up to the war in Iraq?? Remember the ratcheting up of the rhetoric? Remember Colin Powell’s presentation before the UN, presenting the U.S.’s “slam dunk” case that Iraq had WMDs? Remember the fear tactics that the administration used to enlist the coalition of the coerced? Well, events from recent days and weeks are looking eerily similar to the run-up to the debacle known as “Operation Iraqi Freedom.”

The ratcheting up of the rhetoric has started. It’s been discovered that war planning for Iran is well underway (including the option to use nuclear weapons). And yesterday, Assistant Sec. of State Stephen Rademaker, said that Iran would be 16 days away from producing a nuclear weapon if they install the 50,000 centrifuges the facility at Natanz can accommodate: "Natanz was constructed to house 50,000 centrifuges…. Using those 50,000 centrifuges they could produce enough highly enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon in 16 days." Mr. Rademaker obviously went to the “Be afraid, be very afraid” school of diplomacy.

Remember the questionable elections of 2000 & 2004?? Remember the questionable ethics of Katherine Harris in Florida and Kenneth Blackwell in Ohio? Remember the questionable voting machines provided by major Bush campaign contributor Walden O’Dell of Diebold? Remember the disenfranchisement of thousands of Blacks, Hispanics, and the poor?

Do you think anything has changed since then? The network that the Republicans put in place to guarantee their victory is still in place, stronger than ever. Diebold has been given the blessing by Ken Blackwell (who, incidentally is running for Governor in Ohio) to be the ONLY voting machine vendor approved for use in the state. Republican state and federal legislators, as well as representatives from Diebold and other voting machine manufacturers, are vehemently fighting efforts to mandate paper records for electronic voting. There have been recent reports about Diebold technicians making unscheduled visits to election offices to “service” voting machines. Many of these “visits” have occurred when elections supervisors are out of town. “Black Box Voting” is a great website to get more information on electronic voting issues.

We need to remember these things. We need to do everything in our power to make sure that events like these never happen again. We owe it to ourselves, to each other, and to our nation to say “never again”. After all you’ve heard the old adage, “those who forget the past…” Oh, damn, I forget how that one ends.


At 2:15 PM, April 13, 2006, Blogger Gert said...

A word of advice: it's not wise to publish you email address, unless you want to be spammed under by some irate wingnut.

At 2:45 PM, April 13, 2006, Blogger Marlipern said...

Point taken. But I can easily block spam, and any e-mail they send me gives me a trail right back to the wingnut.

Once I have them all pinpointed, I'll unleash the deathray on them. :-)

At 7:27 AM, April 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a thought for that "liberal" in you:

Mao was a liberal.

Stalin was a liberal.

Hitler was a liberal.

And "inauguration" is spelled with one N.

Other than that, your death ray is just as full of shit as you are.

At 7:43 AM, April 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, maybe the people of Nawlins can get rid of that Imbecile/Bonehead Ray Nagin, one of the dumbest logs to ever appear on television in the guise of being a mayor of a major city.

Nagin is a prime example of what you do not elect a man as mayor who looks better as a gang leader than a politician.

Besides, go easy on Ray. After all, he and his screw-up predecessors took billions for levee construction Congress gave them and flushed it up their noses or into the bay.

No wonder Bill Clinton has only gone there once or twice. He realizes that in 8 years he spent approximately 18 minutes on the levee situation, and 10 of those minutes were while he was getting blown by some underage intern in a short dress.

At 7:51 AM, April 16, 2006, Blogger Marlipern said...

Dear "anonymous" (BTW, what a man you are to hide in the shadows anonymously),

I'm wondering if your visceral HATE for Ray Nagin has more to do with the color of his skin than his job performance.

Can you say: "Bigot"

And BTW, Hitler was a Nazi, nor a liberal - Just like Bush.

Happy Easter!

At 9:49 PM, April 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Checked back in as promised - my, for such an innocuous observation, Anonymous sure took an instant dislike to you and that post, didn't s/he? Well, what do you expect from someone whose education left out the difference between liberal and facist? And then there's Anonymous #2...Ah, nevermind.

A neighborhood friend has recently returned from her second Red Cross trip to New Orleans. She tells me no progress is truly apparent. And now our intelligent leaders have decreed that 3 feet is enough to build a house on stilts to prevent further disaster. What?? Those waters were over the roofs of three story homes!

And even with that, I can only imagine how pleased those homeowners must be to have finally received the "law" they needed to begin rebuilding their lives. I live in an area predicted to have a 9.0 earthquake sooner rather than later. Since we have a harbor, a tsunami is a likely possibility, too. My point is that we all live where some sort of natural tragedy can/will occur. We still love our homes and our communities, and I for one will not run.

New Orleans has already shown us what its people are made of; now let them rebuild and continue to offer the one-on-one aid they need as well as the government aid they were promised. Have I forgotten? Nope. But the Executive Branch has.

At 10:38 AM, April 27, 2006, Blogger Wildpig said...

I haven't forgotten, but sometimes the onslaught of stupid, self-serving, or just plain evil crap the Administration comes up with time after time wears me out. The majority of the people in this country seem to be OK with it, as long as their lives hum along as usual, despite the dismantling of democracy. Is it just ignorance? Lack of information? Apathy? Or fatigue?

I'm tired now...


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