Thursday, June 15, 2006

Ann Coulter continuing her “Hatespeak 2006” tour…

Ann Coulter, the blonde conshell who has raised eyebrows, blood pressures, and bile in my throat recently with her new book, “Godless: The Church of Liberalism”, and her deliberately insensitive remarks regarding 9/11 widows, continued her spew circuit last night with an appearance on The Tonight Show. Now I’m not generally a Leno fan, and I’m certainly not an Ann Coulter fan, but I did watch The Tonight Show last night, mainly because I love George Carlin and K.T. Tunstall. I was also somewhat hoping that Mr. Carlin would ream Ann a new one – it couldn’t happen to a nicer bitch, and it couldn’t come from a better source. Alas, that didn’t happen. Everyone pretty much behaved themselves.

I was rather surprised by the ovation Coulter received, and I suspect that Coulter’s people “stuffed the ballot box” as far as the crowd is concerned. Hey, it works for elections, why not talk shows? I was also reminded why it is that I’m not so fond of Jay Leno… The man can’t do an interview to save his life, and he actually called Coulter a “great writer” – no accounting for taste (perhaps Jay considers “great writing” to be the ability to form complete sentences). And while he paid lip service to the idea that Ann may have offended some people, he certainly didn’t take her to task for her rampant hate speech. If Tony Snow decides to leave the post as White House Press Secretary, they can always offer it to Leno – he can toss bad one-liners in with the misinformation.

All-in-all, it was a pretty tame show, with Coulter coming across as her usual sickeningly smug, superior-than-thou self, Leno coming across as the dolt he normally is, Carlin incredibly funny and irreverent, as always, and Tunstall sounding great as ever.

Now I thought that while I was on the subject of Ms. Coulter, I’d offer her some ideas for her next book:

Soulless: The Conservative Church of Greed and Corruption.

Shameless: How I made a fortune from the 9/11 tragedy by accusing real victims of doing the same thing.

Brainless: Intelligence is WAY overrated.

Spineless: The art of calling others cowards while hiding from reality.

Shemale: My secret life as a Nazi man in a neocon woman’s body.

And finally, in deference to Dale Carnegie…

How to make money and influence policy: Friends and people are WAY overrated.

Whadya think Ann? Have I pegged your ideological bent pretty accurately?


At 4:24 PM, June 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's funny that some would classify her book as hate speech.

Just because you disagree with someone's political beliefts, doesn't classify their views as hate speech.

Don't be sheep. Don't slander the author. How about refuting her points, or facts.

Since when do facts represent hate speech?

At 4:40 PM, June 15, 2006, Blogger Marlipern said...

Political beliefs are one thing. Suggesting that women who lost their husbands on 9/11 are enjoying that fact is seriously sick.

Slander? Please. I could have said much worse and it still would have been accurate.

"These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis. These self-obsessed women seemed genuinely unaware that 9/11 was an attack on our nation and acted as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them. ... I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much."

I can only attribute that statement to one of two things... Either she truly believes that drivel, which is seriously sick, or she did it just to get more publicity (and money) for her book, which is even sicker.

You call that rant "facts"??? Then go back to watching Faux News. You're obviously too far gone for my help.

At 10:08 PM, June 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think if you're out there being used by the left, as these women were, that is the real shameless act here. If my family were burned to death at 2,000 degrees, I'd try and keep that private. The fact that the left tries to exploit these people is sick.

Ann points out that just because they lost their loved ones doesn't make them immune from criticism.

It's just like that woman in TX who lost her son in the war. Cindy Sheehan gets paraded around by all of the left. Are her positions also immune?

All I'm saying, if you allow yourself to be manipulated by the left, the other side will come after you. Fact.

At 12:33 AM, June 16, 2006, Blogger Marlipern said...

And all I'm saying is these women, Cindy Sheehan as well as the 9/11 widows, know exactly what they are doing. Give them credit for some intelligence.

Did it ever occur to you that they are sincerely opposed to this war, and this administration's manipulation of their tragedy to forward their own agenda?

News flash: Those who vocally oppose the current regime are not necessarily being manipulated. Maybe they just oppose the current regime.

Oooh, or maybe it's a vast left-wing conspiracy? Scary! Nah, I forgot, that's the right-wing's gig.

At 3:20 PM, June 18, 2006, Blogger lee said...

Hate Bush, never. Hate what he and his attack dogs are doing to our country, you bet. (This thought was data mined by the LNSB.)


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