Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Bush policy: If we ignore the problem of North Korea, perhaps it will just go away.

After three years and 2500 U.S. casualties, it seems clear that the primary reason for invading Iraq, the WMD threat, did not exist. Yet during that same period, North Korea has repeatedly defied the international community in their actions and rhetoric regarding their nuclear weapon and missile programs, and the United States has done virtually nothing to deter or reverse this trend. So my question to President Bush is this: How do you reconcile your administration’s apparent policy of going after the wrong dictator, and what is your plan to address the real and growing threat of a nuclear North Korea?

Cause it sure looks to me like dubya has no plan to deal with North Korea, nor apparently, any intention to develop one. Is this another case of a .22 caliber mind trying to wrap itself around a .357 magnum world? Curious (and deeply concerned) minds want to know. Here’s a hint George, you’re not playing “Risk”, you’re in the real world, and you’re supposed to be making real world decisions. Or didn’t your daddy tell you what being President was all about – wait, I forgot, there’s a “higher father.” (BTW, I have to give credit where credit is due – the gun reference was paraphrased from a West Wing episode.)

Several Republicans have pointed the finger at the Clinton administration, suggesting that this whole mess was somehow Clinton’s fault. I’d like to point out to these pass-the-buck Republicans that during Clinton’s watch, IAEA inspectors were on the ground in North Korea. On Clinton’s watch, NO NEW FISSIONABLE MATERIAL WAS PRODUCED by North Korea (unlike during this, or daddy Bush’s admin.). During Clinton’s administration, there was a moratorium on missile testing by the North Koreans, which they adhered to. But most importantly, on Clinton’s watch, there was a dialogue between the United States and North Korea. You know, “diplomacy”. You might want to try it sometime. Oh, and while you’re at it, stick to being obsessed with Clinton’s penis, cause your hero dubya’s administration can’t come close to matching the real accomplishments of the Clinton admin.

Of course there are some on the left who have suggested that perhaps the admin. wants this crisis to escalate, to drum up oil prices, and to sell the American people on the oh-so-stale “Republicans are tough guys” reputation in advance of the fall elections. Personally, I think that’s giving this crowd way too much credit, given their track record of botching just about every scheme they try to pull off.

So here we are. In the real world, dealing with a REAL WMD threat in North Korea. This is the time that the Bush administration can once and for all show that they’ve got what it takes to sit at the adult table. Cause up until now, this crowd has demonstrated that they are rank amateurs when dealing with real world diplomacy. Saber rattling isn’t going to do it this time. “Wanted dead or alive” or “bring it on” isn’t going to do it. We need solid, competent leadership and skilled diplomatic skills to deal with this serious issue. And what do we have? Dubya and company. God help us all.

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At 6:49 PM, July 06, 2006, Blogger AS said...

Fantastic analysis.

At 6:50 PM, July 06, 2006, Blogger AS said...

At 1:02 AM, July 10, 2006, Blogger Marlipern said...

"They do to exist. But you never wanted to finish that debate."

Go ahead BIGDOG, finish the debate for me. Show me where those famous WMDs are, cause I sure haven't seen them. And neither has the rest of the American public.

Are you still referring to the fanfared WMDs the Mr. Santorum referred to? That was pretty much debunked, if you recall.

Or is there something that I am unaware of, that can only be discovered with a Republican-issued secret decoder ring?

Tell me, my "lil friend", where are they? Hmmmmm?

We both know that if there were any of these infamous WMDs discovered, Scott McClellan, or Tony Snow would have paraded the photos out for the press, probably led by a marching band.

Or is the infamous "liberal-biased media" hiding the truth?

Sure there were WMDs. Keep telling yourself that. Maybe if you chant it enough times, even you will believe it.

Regarding N. Korea... I will tout Clinton's record on dealing with that rogue regime ANY DAY OF THE WEEK. Simply out, at least Clinton DID deal with N. Korea, rather than ignore them and pay lip service to the so-called 6-party talks, which is really only a 5-party conversation, since we're not really taking part.

Here's a clue... anybody who placed John Bolton as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. (a recess appointment I might add - there's some real backbone in a commander-in-chief), has absolutely no interest in real diplomacy.

This administration should stick to something they're good at, like rigged elections or tax breaks for billionaires. Leave the diplomacy to people who are really serious about it.

As for the name of the blog, it's as accurate as it always has been. I speak the truth, even if the right doesn't like hearing it.

As for hate, believe it or not, I don't "hate" Bush. I don't "hate" any human being. It's not in my nature. But I do "hate" what he and his administration have done to our country, and what they are doing to our position in the rest of the world.

Defend Bush all you want. But just think about one thing for a moment... Think about how the world viewed the U.S. in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. Now think about how they view us today. Bush & co. squandered the goodwill of the world. And they can blame nobody but themselves for it.

Like it or not, we live in a world with other countries. And somehow, we need to figure out a way to get along with our global neighbors if we are to survive as a species. I can't see where this admin. has done anything to benefit the U.S. from that perspective. And that's just plain sad.

At 10:43 AM, July 10, 2006, Blogger Marlipern said...

"Obviously you dont care to have the debate, you never stay on point."

It's not my job to stay on YOUR point. I've addressed my opinion on this issue, as have you. You can rehash it over and over, but you've offered nothing new.

"In fact i have shown that these indeed are WMD munitions and you are saying it has been debunked."

You've SHOWN nothing. You've stated opinion. I reitterate... if they had found the WMDs they were looking for, the admin would have saturated the media with it. Split hairs all you want, but the defense department themselves stated "these are not the WMD’s this country and the rest of the world believed Iraq had and not the WMD’s for which this country went to war." Funny, you never addressed that statement.

"As far as comparison of Clinton and Bush. I pointed out clearly that Bush is following a diplomatic strategy."

You "pointed it out". That doesn't make it a reality. Bush's actions speak louder than his words. He is not interested in diplomacy. He proved that in Iraq, and he will prove it in N. Korea. Hopefully, not at the expense of human civilization.

And on the diplomatic point, you never addressed my comment about Bolton as UN Ambassador. Is he REALLY what you consider a "diplomat"????

"just like the 1.77 tons of uranium found in Iraq and 1000's of radioactive isotopes." Where???? Quote me a source. A LEGITIMATE source... Nothing??? I didn't think so.

"(that want to kill us)...(how do you get along with certian species that wants to kill you)...(seems the enemy doesnt share your sentiment and wants to kill you)"

Typical. Same old, same old. BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID. Oh my God! They want to kill us! They're going to attack us! What will we do???? Fear. That seems to be the only card the right wants to play.

I'm sad to see that you subscribe to, and even promote, the culture of fear that has been the cornerstone of this admin. It seems to be all they've got. I thought you, on the other hand, would have more to offer.

One final thing BIGDOG. I'm more than willing to openly debate these various issues with you, provided you keep it concise, factual, and civil. That's a far cry from most of the right-wing blogs I've seen out there, who either moderate users comments, or delete any posts they don't agree with. But I'm not going to waste my time hashing the same things over and over again just for the sake of you "hearing the sound of your own voice". This blog is MY forum, not yours. Is it somewhat slanted by my political perspective? You bet. But I base my posts on what I see really happening in our country, not on what this administration tells me I should believe. If you're looking for a place to reinforce your own view of the world, or regurgitate administration talking points, get your own damn blog.

At 12:57 AM, July 11, 2006, Blogger Marlipern said...

My my BIGDOG, what a waste of perfectly good space that post was.

I stand by what I said. It's ridiculous for us to banter back-and-forth, the same crap, rehashed over and over.

You have your sources, I have mine. Sometimes they have a name, sometimes they are anonymous. But I don't off-handedly dismiss unnamed sources, given we're dealing with an administration that has turned retaliation into an art form.

"Deepthroat". He was an unnamed source for thirty years. Yet that took nothing from the legitimacy of the information he provided. Mr. Felt was a patriot in the truest sense of the word.

Unfortunately, this administration punishes that type of patriotism (a la Ambassador Joe Wilson).

If this admin is so damned righteous, it should be able to stand up to criticism without stooping to smear and intimidation tactics. After all, they're in the right, aren't they? They should have nothing to hide.

"BOLTEN IS A DOLT!!! there hows that for adressing your miniscule of an issue."

Miniscule eh? Sure. He's just the U.S. representative to the rest of the world. Nothing important. Oh, I forgot, you rethugs don't do diplomacy. Bully tactics have always worked better for you.

">"just like the 1.77 tons of uranium found in Iraq and 1000's of radioactive isotopes." Where???? Quote me a source. A LEGITIMATE source... Nothing??? I didn't think so."

Maybe you should research this a lil more before making false assertions like this "Nothing??? I didn't think so.">

And you STILL didn't quote me a source. Typical. Who ya been listening to? Rush? Hannity? O'Reilly?

You say you're civil in the same post you call me a delusional fool. Nice.

And speaking of which...

"Not excepting the fact that the fear is a real fear and not some made up mantra. For you to even think, i shouldnt be concerned or fear what can and did happen, has been shown to be a reality on 9-11. Not to except the reality of fear makes people like you delusional fool, waiting for another attack on our soil, so you can blame Bush?"

I never blamed Bush for 9/11. I've simply blamed him and his admin for everything they've failed miserably at since then. Deal with it.

At 12:41 PM, July 13, 2006, Blogger Marlipern said...


>>So is it safe to say i can still post here and challenge your opinion? when needed of course.

Absolutely. As always, all are welcome.

>>BOLTEN is miniscule in the fact we are not talking about the UN or its reps; you brought it out of left field for rhetorical benefits. Thats why you cant stay on point?

In the context of dealing with the real crisis of North Korea, the subject of John Bolton is NOT “out of left field”. It most certainly speaks to the larger issue of this administration’s apparent “lip service only” approach to diplomacy. Dismiss it if you want, but I think it speaks volumes.

>>Oh and please give me a example of how BOLTEN has bullied the UN. You will avoid this one too, i bet.

No, I won’t avoid it, I’ll simply offer up Mr. Bolton’s own words regarding the UN:

"There is no such thing as the United Nations. United States makes the U.N. work, when it wants it to work. If the U.N. secretary building in New York lost 10 stories, it would not make a bit of difference". - John Bolton, February 3, 1994

Sounds like somebody who really has a great deal of respect for the body he has been appointed to work with, don’t you think?

>>I call people like you a delusional fool for a reason and that reason is you are making light of my reality. Fear and how that fear has directly effected my life. Like i said until it touches your personally, then dont make light of that reality. (No i am not sorry for saying it either). Until you made light of a circumstance in my life, i realised how delusional you are, you should be a lil more tactfull towards someone you dont know very well. Furthermore in the heat of your leave out understanding ones basis for such fears and that reality. Your opinion about my reality makes you a delusional fool and i wll not recant, in fact i considered it personal.

I’m sorry that 9/11 affected you personally. I truly am. But regardless, you have a choice. You can choose to live your life and make your decisions based on fear, or you can choose to overcome your fear, and live your life and make your decisions based upon your knowledge, your faith, and your common sense. I choose the latter. Unfortunately, this administration prefers us to be in a constant state of fear – it allows them to get what they want and manipulate the public more easily. I’m sorry you don’t see that, and I’m sorry you take it so personally.

>>The quotes you want on 1.77 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq only needs you to type it into google and read it for yourself. Its obvious i cant provide you with a source you like or favor, so find it yourself. Noting how quick you dismiss a named source over an unnamed source leads me to that conclusion.

Fine, I’ll address this… The 1.77 metric tons of uranium was “low enriched” material, which can only be used for reactor fuel, and was allowed under the NPT (Non-proliferation treaty) and the UN imposed WMD restrictions on Iraq. Could it have been used for a “dirty bomb”? Possibly. But again, we get back to what the administration claimed in the lead-up to the war vs. what was there in actuality. This wasn’t the “smoking gun” that Bushco was touting prior to the invasion. Period.

>>You keep avoiding my questions and i keep answering yours. So i will re-hash them because you seem to be dismissing them.

>>1. Have you actually read the de-classified document?

Nope, I haven’t. If you have a link or a reference to it, please share it, and I would be more than willing to take a look.

>>2.How do you know NK didnt produce any fission material secretly?

I don’t. Neither do you. It’s speculation on both our parts.

>>3.What about lil-kimms Chemical and Biological weopons?

You mean during the Clinton years? I have no idea. Neither do you. See question 2 above.

>>4.Please explain why the Bush bashers in congress, who have seen the classified version. Tell me why they are not out there slamming Santorum,Weldon and Hoekstra, concerning the de-classified version, better yet actually taking a holy shit all over GW Bush and his so called lies?

Care to address this?

Sure. Two things come to mind. Number one, they are worthless in their oversight responsibility on the executive branch. In this, they are not much different than their colleagues on the right side of the aisle. Number two, they are likely hesitant to use anything in a “classified” document as political ammunition. You’re thinking about the other guys – you know, a la “Plamegate”. Dems. keep secrets well, Republicans use them for political gain.

>>5.How about all the attacks on our ships,embassies, were they real? So when does that fear become real? How about all the foiled plots in AMerica and Canada for that matter. Was that based on fear for more lost life on our soil?

Sure they were real. But please refer back to what I said about fear above. Fear is debilitatiing. Confidence is empowering. Again, take your pick

>>I never said you blamed Bush for 9-11. If another attacked happened on our soil you would blame Bush was my point and your second sentence would prove me to be correct. Deal with it? What exactly is it i have to deal with? I am dealing with the fact i am correct, it happens often.

My my, aren’t we full of ourselves. If another attack occurs, and it comes to light that Bush didn’t do what he should have to prevent it, WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THE CONSTITUTION AND THE LAWS OF THIS NATION (given the track record of this regime, that’s an important distinction to make), you bet I’ll blame him. And you should too. On the other hand, if an attack occurs, and there was nothing he could have done to prevent it, I say, let’s learn from the tragedy and be better prepared in the future.

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