Congressman Steve King: Douchebag for America!
Just give Congressman King tights and a cape, and he’d be the perfect “Conservative American Hero”. Rep. King (R), who “represents” Iowa’s 5th district, is quite the outspoken champion for “American Values.” And someday, when he gets his foot surgically removed from his mouth, perhaps he can explain to everybody what those values are, and what planet he is living on.
In a recent press conference over the debate currently raging on illegal immigration, Rep. King blamed the problem on the “ruling elite” of our country:
"The elite class in America is becoming a ruling class and they've made enough money by hiring cheap illegal labor that they think they also have some kind of a right to cheap servants to manicure their nails and their lawn, for example.
"So this ruling class, this new ruling class of America, is expanding a servant class in America at the expense of the middle class of America, the blue collar of America that used to be able to punch a time clock, buy a modest house and raise their families. ... Those young people are cut out of this process."
Have you recently checked out the inhabitants of the White House Congressman King? How ‘bout the Senate or House chambers? Perhaps the Supreme Court? The ruling “class” in this country isn’t a class, it’s a party. The REPUBLICAN party. And you are the ones who seem to always be saying to us peasants, “let them eat cake.” N’est pas?
The Congressman further stated:
"Anybody that votes for an amnesty bill deserves to be branded with a scarlet letter 'A,'”
I’ve got a better idea Congressman. Let’s tattoo “Jackass” on your forehead.
You know who first suggested amnesty for illegal immigrants Congressman? Your beloved President Ronald Reagan. Wanna brand his corpse with a scarlet “A”?
Of course the Congressman has a long and distinguished history of diarrhea of the mouth. Back in September of last year, the Congressman stood on the floor of the house and urged the Congress not to name a post office in Berkeley, CA. in honor of woman who he had never met – public servant, civil rights leader and peace activist Maudelle Shirek.
Ms. Shirek, who served eight terms as a council member in Berkeley, was characterized by Rep. King, as “apart from, I will say, the most consistent of American values”. Rep. King also falsely accused Ms. Shirek of being a communist.
California Rep. Barbara Lee, who nominated Shirek for the honor said that King and others who voted against the naming of the post office were: "living in the days, I guess, of Joe McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover and decided they wanted to defeat a local district matter, and I think it's outrageous and unconscionable." Rep. Lee called Shirek "a woman whose leadership, service and commitment to our community are a testament to what is great about our nation."
King, true to form, defended one of his heroes: "If Barbara Lee would read the history of Joe McCarthy she would realize that he was a hero for America." Hoover, he said, "was a giant when it came to law enforcement."
Well Congressman King, you too are a hero. You are a hero to the multitudes of narrow-minded neocons who seem hell-bent on destroying our country in the name of “saving” it. And you too are a giant. A giant, ignorant, neolithic jackass.